Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Are Complicated. We Can Help.
We rely on the healthcare industry to provide safe and effective medical care in our day-to-day lives and during life-threatening emergencies. The amount of trust we put into medical professionals and institutions that treat us is significant so when these parties betray that trust and act negligently resulting in harm to patients, the consequences are severe. Every medical malpractice lawyer understands – people harmed by negligent doctors or other medical professionals may be able to sue.
Undoubtedly, you deserve justice and can sue for medical malpractice and recover compensation to cover damages they suffered. We can help!
Medical error is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the United States with 251,000 lives claimed every year. Medical malpractice is a common cause of personal injuries that Turnbull, Moak & Pendergrass, PC sees in the myriad of cases we handle. Holding medical professionals and institutions accountable for their negligent actions is possible and our lawyers specialize in assisting those that have been harmed this way.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a doctor or similarly liable party, contact Turnbull, Moak & Pendergrass, PC today. Our medical malpractice lawyer team offer proven track record of results. Plus, we are available 24/7 at (205) 831-5040 or reach us online for a free case evaluation, or to discuss your rights and options further.
What is a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
Medical malpractice is when a doctor, another healthcare professional, or medical institution like a hospital causes injury to a patient due to a negligent act or omission. It is important to understand that a doctor injuring a patient or making a mistake does not constitute malpractice. Errors and complications that are beyond a doctor’s control are not considered medical malpractice.
Medical Malpractice and the Standard of Care
In order to be considered medical malpractice, a doctor needs to violate what is known as the standard of care. This is the level of expected medical care in a medical professional’s field deemed acceptable for the situation. This standard of care is determined through the comparison of similar medical professionals’ actions in similar circumstances that are considered prudent. The standard of care is not the same for all medical professionals and varies based on field, situation, and even the resources available to the medical professional. If a doctor or other medical professional is found to not have met this standard of care then they may be considered negligent.
Other Medical Malpractice Factors
Medical malpractice also requires the injury suffered by a patient to be caused by the aforementioned negligence perpetrated by the attending physician or another medical professional. There are many situations where doctors act negligently and violate the standard of care but do not cause an injury to their patients. Additionally, injuries or unfavorable medical outcomes can occur without a doctor acting negligently. Proving this connection between negligence and injury is key.
Medical malpractice also calls for a patient to have suffered an injury that causes significant damages. Doctors inadvertently harm patients all the time but those injuries are not always worth litigating.
Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit is not something that should be taken lightly. These lawsuits can take a great deal of time and resources to see through to the end so the injuries you are seeking compensation need to be worth the investment one puts into this litigation.